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Nationally, lost earnings, productivity, and revenue due to Child Care challenges totals $122 Billion annually. Child Care Benefits provide the highest human capital ROI of any benefit.
Employees with access to Child Care benefits report an increase in work-life balance and engagement.
60% of millennials report Child Care help as an important factor of a job. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials!
TOOTRiS Child Care Benefits provide exponential human capital ROI allowing organizations of all sizes to eliminate Child Care as a barrier to growth and compete with higher retention, recruiting, productivity, and zero HR admin burden. TOOTRiS has uniquely revolutionized Child Care as the first and only technology solution that unites all the key stakeholders – parents, providers, employers, and agencies – into a single platform enabling them to connect and transact in real time. This allows parents to quickly find, vet, and enroll in licensed Child Care options in real-time, and for employers to seamlessly incorporate family support into their benefits – at a fraction of the cost of current solutions.
How TOOTRiS Works to Support Employers and Working Parents